Yep. My sweet soldier was deploying. Again.
I had all these great intentions to use our time apart as blog-time.
Being both mom and dad to two sweet monkeys, keeping up a house, paying bills, and dealing with two very stubborn (but paid-off) cars, took up most of my time.
But...there's always a light at the end of every tunnel.
You see,
He's HOME!
After 335 days apart (yes, I counted...),
We're a complete family again!
I rarely post pictures of myself or our family, but I thought these were post-worthy.
There's nothing quite like an Army welcome home ceremony, so I thought I would share.
Here we go...
Smellin' sweet and looking good!
Little dude's been waiting for almost a year.
The 2 hour wait for daddy's arrival almost sent him over the edge!
Doing the 'Wave!
And here's what we've been waiting for!
Open the floodgates!
Trying to find each other!
(or as my daughter says, "ewwwwww...")
Together again!
I have to give major props to my friend Amy (another awesome Army wife) for taking our pictures.
Amy is starting her own photography business (hello? she's good!),
and I'll post her link as soon as she has it ready to fly!
Last night we attended a welcome home bash, known as Denim & Diamonds.
We had a great time!
So now that life has returned to a more normal state, I do have so much to share!
I still have to get down with the details of the Country Living Fair,
share some Euro travel tips,
and so much more!
Headed off to link-up with some other fun-lovin' blog mamas!
Join us!
Amy's Just for Fun Friday hop!

Oh, Diane- I am so happy for you and your family! I can't imagine how hard it must be to be apart for so long. Major props and many thanks to all our military families- especially on this Memorial Day weekend. Enjoy each other!
*sorry if this shows up duplicate- I commented, and it disappeared :)
Hooray!!! Congrats on making it through the deployment! As a 'veteran' of 4 of my husband's deployments I know what you dealt with all too well! And your pics brought me near to tears remembering my own homecomings!
Hug your soldier extra tight and from one military wife to another...Thank you for what you both do! :-)
OH that picture of your kids crying has me BAWLING!! How sweet! So happy for your family!
Oh your photos were beautiful! What a good post for us to read near Memorial Day- thank YOU and your husband and children for the sacrifice. I'm glad you are all reunited and I hope it's for a nice long while.
Nicole- @ (the new)
Thank you for the sacrifices you and your family make! From the bottom of my heart....a Navy Brat ;) Stoppin by from the link
Been there, done that, for our younger son, also at Ft. Carson. I surprised myself when the troops came in...I lost it and really bawled hard!
My husband spent two tours at Ft. Riley, KS for six months each for Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. The neat thing was he was on active duty when it was time to commission our younger son and he got to commission him and another friend of our son's. very cool.
Bless you and your family. Your blogs and products bring joy to many!
Wonderful post! And what a blessing to have him finally home! Thank him for me, for protecting our country and his beautiful family!
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