A three day nap would be nice right about now...
Last weekend was the
Holly Berry Folk Festival, here in Colorado Springs, and
I was there! If you don't know about the Holly Berry Festival, I'm pretty sure it's been going on for 32 years now and
it's a monster-sized market. This year's market included 165 vendors, most being craft vendors and a few were antique dealers (like me!).
I found out about this market just recently, so it was nothing short of a miracle that I got in as a vendor.
I was very excited!
Setting everything up is always so much fun!
Here are a few new things that I brought out for this market...drumroll...Vintage Fat Quarters, for the craft divas out there....
and, German Apothecary Jars...
Funny story about the apothecary jars...They have been sitting in my garage for almost two years now. I had forgotten all about them and found them a few days ago.
My garage needs an intervention.The best part about market days are the great people that I meet along the way. On Sunday, there was a sweet German lady who walked into my booth and started looking around, then
immediately burst into tears. Ummmm...I honestly didn't know what to do! She then explained that so many of the items that I had displayed were identical to her own mother's kitchen, and her mother had passed away one year prior to that exact day. I gave her a hankie and she left.
She then returned later to chat with me about different things in the shop, giving me some cool history on each. I felt badly that she initially was so upset, but I was grateful for our fun conversation later.
Everyone has a story.I also made great friends with my neighbors at the market.
Patty and her ladies from Northern Lodge are the funnest crew.
Patty makes these pillows...woodsy & cute!
Their antiques are also dreamy...
They also have
a very fun online store, so you can shop with them too.
So now I'm back in blogville and ready to get things updated on
our website (I'm wayyyyy behind on maintenance. My apologies...).
I'm getting the online store up and running by mid October, and it should be up through the holidays.
Get your Christmas list started now!If you see some treasures in my market photos that you are interested in
buying now and don't want to wait (it's okay, I don't like to wait either...), then
shoot me a message and we'll talk.
Have a fabulous week!
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