I hope that 2012 is finding you well!
We are finally back in routine from the holiday madness!
I always look forward to a new year.
Not sure why, but it’s like a breath of fresh air.
And speaking of fresh, I’ve started a pre-spring purge throughout the house. Amidst the great purge, I’ve been noticing a trend in my giveaway piles.
I clearly remember registering for sparkly new must-haves at department stores for our wedding, and now I find those formerly treasured items slowly exiting the premises.
And what’s replacing them?
Secondhand treasures that I’ve picked up at thrift stores, estate sales and auctions.
Yep. Out with the new, and in with the old.
Not only do I love the nostalgia of these sweet picks, but I love the quality of the materials they’re made of. Odd things of the past, such as wood and glass!
And with my recent discovery of the dangers of many household plastics,
I feel good about going back to the basics that I grew up with.
So now I’m playing around online and thought I’d share some fun swaps (old for new!), that could easily make your place a little greener this year.
Here they are!
I have a thing for deviled eggs, so egg platters are always a must.
(I'm actually still kicking myself for selling a precious Italian one a few years back!)
If you want to buy something new, here's one from Tupperware.

But, here's an upcycle option that I found on Etsy.

I could have bought this cheery bed set at Dillards...
But then I found this vintage chenille coverlet instead!
You can save your pennies (a lot of them) and get this cute owl canister at Anthropologie...
Or, you can adopt this little guy off of Etsy...
If you have a thing for linens (like I do!), then you could add some poppies to your kitchen via Williams-Sonoma,
or you could follow Oma's lead and go vintage!
Cute stuff and the prices are right as well!
I love that thrifting is fanatical right now. You can pretty much decorate your entire home off of fun finds from the past, while saving money as well.
If you plan on thrifting or picking this weekend, I wish you much fun in finding just the right pieces (and prices!).
Until next time...be blessed!