Tonight I’ve been prepping items to be listed in my etsy store. You see, while I was cleaning out my work room last weekend, I came across several boxes of "invisible inventory" - incredible items that somehow were temporarily lost in the move. Let’s just say that when it comes to organization skills, I’m challenged.
So I’ve just pulled out this vintage bedding coverlet that I’d completely forgotten about (I told you that I’m a true fabric junkie…). This bedding is downright adorable and the motif on it is…drumroll…The Greatest Show On Earth. Yes, the original Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus. Now typically, I would say that this is NOT my style of décor, but where my kids are concerned, this little find could turn into something really amazing for them!

Now I’m back in my same standoff…keep or sell? If I keep it, this will only add to the seriously long list of house projects that I’m not sure if I will ever get to. The kiddos could be in college by the time I do something with this piece. If I choose to sell it, someone else has a really unique cutter to make something fun with. Of course, I could always enlist the talent of my sister-in-law (AJ) to help me – she makes Martha Stewart nervous.

I had to post some pics so you can see just how cute this is. If you have any creative ideas, please send them over! If you need to scold me for wanting to keep yet another piece of fabric, go right ahead. I need the intervention and I think I can take it.